Purchase & Processing Rawhide
We purchase rawhide from slaughterhouses, butchers and other purchases on the territory of the Republic of Serbia

The complete process, from taking the purchased rawhide to loading for export, on trucks or in ship containers, is done in our own organization
kožar doo
Our Activity

We purchase rawhide from slaughterhouses, butchers and other purchases on the territory of the Republic of Serbia

We store and process rawhide in the premises specially adapted for that intention. We offer calf rawhide, cow rawhide, lamb rawhide and goat rawhide, 100 % of Serbian origin

We annually purchase and market about 1200-1500 tones ofrawhide.
We export to the EU countries and Turkey

Kralja Petra I 30/10
Warehouse: Klanički put bb
15300 Loznica, Srbija
Administration: +381 15 873 891
Warehouse: +381 15 893 806
PIB: 101118325
MB: 17182226